2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting pt2


2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting for easy speed picking and improvising

Please watch video above for detailed analysis:

Moving on from our previous blog we will now extend and shift the fingering positions on the guitar fingerboard and extend our 2 finger scales. We will employ alternate picking staring on a down stroke.

Exercise: 1st Part

2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting pt2 for easy improvising and speed

Exercise: 2nd Part

2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting pt2 for easy improvising and speed

Full Exercise:

2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting pt2 for easy improvising and speed

Now we will extend this by shifting the position even further.

2 finger alternate picking scales guitar position shifting pt2 for easy improvising and speed

PDF 2 Finger alternate picking guitar scales

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