John Mclaughlin “Secret” Fingering VARIATION guitar lesson

John Mclaughlin Altered scale left hand fingering Lesson and technique



The phrases and guitar fingering get generally “Un-guitaristic” when weaving in and out of altered [Dominant] harmony on the guitar fingerboard. This is why without analysing the left hand fingering the very nature of jazz/fusion guitar improvising can seem and become complex.

John Mclaughlin secret alternate picking guitar fingering
John Mclaughlin Altered scale left hand fingering Lesson and technique


Here is a very common John Mclaughlin fingering that he employs to get through fast uptempo phrases. It is actually quite repetitive and very useful for building any scale regardless of that scales intervals or complexity. This is the key to his explosive and ease at alternate picking fluid modern jazz fusion guitar lines. Also with this fingering it is possible to display excellent chromatic mastery with ease.


John Mclaughlin secret alternate picking guitar fingering
John Mclaughlin guitar left hand fingering concept/lesson Exercise

John Mclaughlin talks about fingering a lot in interviews and even said to Larry Coryell that “Fingering is everything”. When the fingers can move effortlessly and weave in and out of the complex harmonic lines it does become natural to articulate musical phrases into improvisation that way.

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