Messiaen’s 5th Mode.Composition and improvisation lesson

Messiaen’s 5th Mode.Composition and improvisation lesson

The 5th Mode from Messiaen [Modes of limited transposition] has six transpositions [listed below]. Messiaen’s 5th mode is quite distinctive due to it’s semitones, tritone possibilities, and the two major 3rd intervals occurring in it. In terms of the guitar fretboard this is very handy when creating fluid lines due to its ease for left hand fingering/fretting.

Messiaen's 5th Mode.Composition and improvisation lesson. Messiaen Mode 5 [5th mode 6 transpositions]
Messiaen Mode 5 [5th mode 6 transpositions]

Messiaen’s 5th mode [Non Transposed]

Messiaen Mode 5 [5th mode of limited transposition]
Messiaen Mode 5 [5th mode of limited transposition]

Messiaen’s 5th Mode Extended

Messiaen Mode 5 extended musical improvised line
Messiaen’s 5th mode extended

Creating Scalic runs: Messiaen mode 5:


Descending Messiaen Mode 5 guitar lick. Messiaen improvisation and composition lesson
Descending Messiaen Mode 5 guitar lick


Messiaen's 5th mode of limited transposition Ascending guitar lick for improvisation
Messiaen 5th mode Ascending guitar lick for improvisation

One very useful concept is to mirror the intervals of the mode and create an atonal sounding contrapuntal study. This great when employed as a compositional device.

Messiaen 5th Mode Contrapuntal Etude "Mirroring" compositional lesson effect for guitar and all musical instruments concept
Messiaen 5th Mode Contrapuntal Etude “Mirroring” concept

Cross Picking/ Chordal Picking: Notice the use of Tritones.

Picking pattern = “Down Down Up”

Messiaen 5th mode Guitar Cross Picking technique lesson
Messiaen 5th mode Guitar Cross Picking technique lesson

Guitar Cross Picking/ Chordal Picking: With an open G string.

Messiaen 5th mode Guitar Cross Picking/ Chordal Picking composing method and effect
Messiaen 5th mode Guitar Cross Picking/ Chordal Picking:

Messiaen 5th Mode: Scale to chord Imitation device.

Messiaen's 5th Mode: Scale to Chord Imitation Compositional device.
Messiaen 5th Mode: Scale to Chord Imitation Compositional device.

Messiaen 5th mode: 3 octave scale imitation descending line

Messiaen mode 5 Descending Run [Immitation] guitar effect
5th mode Messiaen Descending Run [Immitation]

Cross Picking part 2: Using 4 note tritone chords.

Picking pattern =”Down Down Down Up”

Messiaen tritone guitar technique and effect for composition
Messiaen Mode 5 D D D U Cross Picking Tritone guitar
Messiaen tritone guitar technique and effect for composition and improvisation
Messiaen Mode 5 Cross Picking Guitar Tritones

Notice the two open strings :

 Messiaen open string  chords of Mode 5 Guitar
Open Strings Messiaen chords Mode 5 Guitar

Messiaen Mode 5 Cross Picking Guitar Tritones Open Strings
Messiaen Mode 5 Cross Picking Guitar Tritones Open Strings

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