Enclosure/Target Tones Jazz chromatics for the improvised line

The key to understanding this is to look where the little target tones/enclosure motif/melody starts.

Here we have two.

The first is “OFF” the BEAT

and the second is “ON” the beat

Example 1: “Off Beat” classic target tone/enclosure set-up

Jazz chromatic target tones explained

Example 2: “On the beat” and in the bar set-up in the improvised line [Target tone/Enclosure]

On the beat jazz Target tone/Enclosure for improv


What you will notice is that the Chord tones are “on” the beat [Strong] whilst the chromatic or unessential notes are “Off” the beat.  

This is the key to how it works and how to create beautiful flowing lines easily!

Bebop target tones enclosure jazz improvisation explanation
Chord tones on the “Strong” Beats for jazz enclosure

Full Target tones/Enclosure Jazz Chromatics improvisation lick/line

Target tones/Enclosure Jazz Chromatics improv lick/line

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