Altered Scale Jazz Fusion Guitar/piano unison lick/Line

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In this riff/line I employ alternate Picking but I start with an upstroke for the first phrase. After that I start the remaining phrases on a down stroke.

Jazz/Fusion altered scale chromatic guitar/piano unison riff

Although this line is D altered in terms of scalic concept it could also be thought of as shifting between D minor, D Dorian and Eb Melodic Minor.

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John Mclaughlin Jazz/Fusion Improvisation Guitar Line

A short line from jazz fusion pioneer and guitar great john mclaughlin

John Mclaughlin Jazz fusion guitar improvisation tab and music notation

John Mclaughlin Improvisation guitar lick
John Mclaughlin Alt Dom jazz fusion guitar lick/line

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John Mclaughlin Acoustic Jazz Alt Dom Lick

John Mclaughlin Altered Dominant Line. Break each group into 4 note cells [Tetrachords] and learn 1 group of 4 notes at a time with the fingering and then join it all together.

6 2 “5- ALTERED” 1 

Jazz improvising altered scale alt dom lick lesson How to

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