Indian-esque “Style” Octave Raga Strumming

Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords


Hi Guys,

Today, a quick blog on using octaves and open strings on the guitar to create Raga style compositions.

This is not “Classical” Indian” music but a means of adding an implication and fusing western guitar strumming with the Indian scale sound.

Below, we can see the scale we will employ. This is the Lydian mode. Here we have D lydian in a Hexatonic format.


Now, instead of using single notes we will double them creating octaves.

Adding to this we will employ the open strings of the guitar as we strum to create interesting rhythms. [See video above].


We can also use quick slurs and slides to create a dynamic Indian-esque effect


Now, let’s move over to the 4th and 2nd strings and do the same thing with the lydian octaves and open guitar strings. [see video above]


Finally, we will move over to the 3rd and 1st guitar strings and do the same thing. This time creating the C lydian mode.


Due to the guitars tuning you will notice that we are moving up in 4ths or down in 5ths.

This works well for composing becasue it creates a strong pull in terms of movement and power that can then be manipulated by percussive rhythmic strumming on the guitar.


Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords