John Mclaughlin “QUICK” Lick #1

Today we will take a look at a John Mclaughlin jazz fusion acoustic guitar lick in the style of the “Belo Herozonte” C.D/LP.

It consists of a “Pentatonic scale” and an “Arpeggio” fingering.

John Mclaughlin Quick Lick #1

alternate picking John Mclaughlin guitar lesson
“Belo Herozonte” John Mclaughlin style guitar lick #1

Notice the 2 finger Pentatonic ascending shape and the Arpeggio Descending shape

Shakti John Mclaughlin guitar lick lesson
“Pentatonic” 2 finger guitar shape and “Arpeggio” shape

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Alternate Picking Guitar Technique Explained Part 2

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In this exercise we play the most common thing known to man on the guitar “The minor pentatonic” scale.

BUT, the key here is to play and “Count” “1 2 3 4 5 6” to get the “Rhythm” so that the picking and fretting hands can articulate the phrase musically in time and in synchronisation.

alternate picking guitar sextuplets Al di meola guitar style lesson
Alternate Picking 6’s Articulation Guitar Exercise

This next exercise is a classic “Repetition” alternate picking exercise. Count “1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a” and play in a double timed tetrachord manner accenting the 1st note in each 4 note grouping

“Repetition” Alternate Picking Guitar Technique Exercise

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