Exploring Messiaen’s Mode 1: Musical Concepts and Colorful Creations

Unlocking Messiaen’s Mode 1: Guitar Explorations

Hi Guys,

Today a look at Messiaen’s first mode of limited transposition:

This is the Whole tone scale and has two transpositions and one mode. It is a “Hexatonic” scale that has a dreamy, enigmatic air to it due to lack of resolution as all of the tones are the same distance apart.

The goal of this blog post is to create something interesting out of this scale.

Here is the first bar: This employs a Fripp-esque repetitive picking “Riff”


From here, let’s make a smooth transition with an ascending whole tone scale:


Now, let’s employ some 20c Classical Messiaen style “Intervallic” movement to complete the phrase:


From here, we will descend with the whole tone scale and connect it to the augmented arpeggio:


Let’s now return to and exploit our intervallic movement as we ascend the guitar fingerboard:


Finally, let’s finish with some string skipping whole tone scale and a couple of plucks up high:


This was just an example of playing around with musical concepts and creating something colourful and interesting from Messiaen’s Mode 1.

Although, this is only a six note scale it has plenty to offer due to it’s non resolving/non diatonic nature. It works really well for riffs, motifs and hooks and really draws the listeners ear in. Even when used sparingly it can really add colour and texture to a composition [or part of] .


Exploring Messiaen’s 5th Mode of limited transposition
Messiaen’s modes of limited transposition: