Jazz Guitar Alternate Picking Exercises: ii V7 i [Double Time]

Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords


Jazz Guitar Alternate Picking Exercises: ii v7 I [Double Time]

Hi Guys,

Today, we will look at some alternate picking guitar technique exercises for jazz improvisation when double timing

We will exploit ii V7 I’s as a basis for honing our alternate picking skills whilst employing 4 note tetrachord groupings.

In the first exercise it’s a good idea to accent the third note in each four note grouping. We are also starting on a downstroke:


Here is the same exercise but with a variation in the second bar:


The next exercise will employ groups of 6 notes called sextuplets: As an exercise we will start with an “Upstroke” this time. This will be played over an AmMaj7 pad:

First Part:


2nd Part:


Full Exercise/Line:


The following exercise uses some chromatic movement that smoothly connects to pentatonic movement starting on a downstroke:


In our final exercise we will join together some of these principles.


This was just a brief look at how to create alternate picking guitar exercises for improvisation through chord changes by applying simple patterns/fingerings that work naturally.

This was only around 140 bpm. But, this is essential before moving onto much quicker tempos with the alternate picking guitar technique.

With the 4 note “Tetrachord” groupings you will get fluidity through the changes. They will give you stability. They can then be broken up to create anticipation and syncopation-which will in turn create the natural expression of musical phrasing.

Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords

Alternate Picking Guitar Tetrachords Part 2

Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords



Hi Guys,

This is a response video to the previous video/blog. This is to explain and demonstrate the application of “Tetrachords” a bit further.

Here, I will add the video examples in Tab/Notation:

RECAP= What are Tetrachords:

“Tetrachords” are 4 note groupings to connect harmony/lines together for improvisation [and composition]


When mastered they can be broken up into musical phrasing/punctuation:

Broken up/Shifted: Thus creating an upbeat


Notes chopped off in the bar: Creating space and rhythmic interest.


Breaking up the tetrachords like this helps to create smooth syncopations, anticipations or go the other way and play on the beat:

Now, let’s follow this through to a short extension of the phrase


As always it’s essential to count the time when doing this so that you know where you are in the phrase.


In this video and for these examples I am employing strict alternate picking starting on a “Down Stroke”. Down Up Down Up etc.


Practicing ii V7 I’s and iii Vi ii V7 I’s in various guises will really help you connect and nail the changes with your alternate picking: Below is an example with II V7 I:


Now, let’s connect the harmony/chords together via tetrachords: This first example is in the style of John McLaughlin.


Notice, how smoothly the pentatonic 4 note groupings connect together

This time we will take a more basic approach with very simple fretting/fingering:


So, even through these basic examples it’s easy to see how to exploit these 4 note groupings to nail the changes and then break them up into musical phrasing/punctuation: As a further resource I would recommend John McLaughlin excellent DVD called “This is the way I do it”


Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords

Alternate Picking Guitar Exercises/Runs 140 bpm ii v7 i

Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords



Hi Guys,

Today, a couple of alternate picking guitar exercises.


These lines are through a ii V7 I chord sequence/cadence at 140 bpm, so they are not super fast but are at the tipping point of the fusion tempo.

I am starting on a down stroke with the pick and following through with strict alternate picking in double time with 16th notes.

This first exercise employs some chromaticism ascending with pentatonic movement. The last 2 notes have a big stretch so there’s also a quick moment of detailed finger precision in the fretting hand.


As always with these types of exercises it’s important to count time and feel the pulse.


This will create the “Fluidity” in movement and help connect it all together.

Next, we have a variation of the exercise above. This time starting with an upbeat and an extension all the way to the top D note.


Lastly, we have another tetrachord exercise and variation going the other way,



As you can see from these short exercises, the only way to get the alternate picking effective with jazz/fusion is through the “Connections”, because the harmony/chord changes have to be dealt with whilst picking.


Modern Jazz Fusion Chords part 2. Steely Dan, Dan Chord and Slash Chords